Felix Media is proud to announce the World Premiere of Jirga at Sydney Film Festival 2018. Jirga has been selected for The Official Competition - a group of twelve films recognised for being ‘audacious, cutting-edge and courageous’. Jirga is in great company, with films from a variety of exciting filmmakers, including Spike Lee and Debra Granik.
Jirga, directed by Benjamin Gilmour (Son of a Lion, 2010), is a modern morality tale about a former Australian soldier, Mike, who returns to Afghanistan to find the family of a civilian he accidentally killed during the war. Seeking forgiveness, he puts his life in the hands of the village justice system – the Jirga.
Jirga is a film made under extraordinary circumstances. Director Benjamin Gilmour and Sam Smith arrived in Pakistan to find their funding had been withdrawn and their movements monitored due to Pakistan's secret police deeming their script too political. They could've come home to Australia, but decided to make the filmanyway, in Afghanistan. They had a tiny crew; shoot scenes at 10 times the rate of a normal feature film; and spent nights listening to gunshots and mortar fire. They came back to Australia with some shaky footage and ropey sound. Producer John Maynard saw a story underneath all the dirt on the lens and together with editor Nikki Stevens; Sound Designer Liam Egan; and Composer AJ True; created a sensitive and compassionate tale on the impact of war and the cost of redemption.
Jirga has three screenings over the festival and an extended Q&A with director Benjamin Gilmour, lead actor Sam Smith and producer John Maynard.