Photographer William Yang traces the labyrinthine web of his family history in this adaptation of his iconic live performance piece. William was born and raised in North Queensland, his grandparents having migrated from the south of China in the 1880s to dig for gold. Yet it was not until mid-life that he claimed his Chinese heritage.
William’s transatlantic exploration of his genealogy unites him with scores of relatives from all walks of life, some rich, but most ordinary folk with menial jobs, and most cannot speak a word of Chinese.
A visual feast, Blood Links examines how the Chinese diaspora establish roots in foreign soil, and how over the generations, through intermarriage, blood is mixed; yet the intricate bonds of family remain.
Shipping is $11.30 within Australia, and $25 flat-rate International. This DVD is for personal use only, and is not for commercial, education or institutional distribution or use.